Monday, May 9, 2011

DIY Spa Day

     You've had a long day of running errands, chasing babies, cleaning spaghetti off of the walls (yes, this has happened to many of us), and doing the chores but by the time you get a moment to relax it's off to bed! You might be asking yourself "Where did my day go?"
     These kind of chaotic days happen to the best of us whether we are married, married with kids, or even single! Life is in a constant state of motion and it's hard to slow it down, especially for us married moms out there. So what can you do to have a few moments of peace and quiet for yourself?
     The answer is really quite simple, book yourself a date with your bathroom! You're probably thinking I've gone off my rocker right about now but I'm truly serious. It is in every woman's best interest to have a little bit of time for herself to let the stress of the day melt away! So when your day has been especially rough and you don't quite have the funds for a Spa Day then make your bathroom your own private spa! It's super easy and it really does work!

     First you will need the following items:
  1. IPOD, stereo, or even your computer with Pandora tuned in to a calming, mellow station (Adele, Black Keys, and Muse work for me, but everyone is different)
  2. Your favorite scented candles or incense burning
  3. Bubble bath, bath oils, and/or bath salts (though I don't recommend mixing bubble bath with anything as the bubbles tend to disperse quickly)
  4. A fresh, oh-so-fluffy, bath towel right out of the dryer (perhaps even a cozy robe if you have one)
  5. A glass of chilled wine or a cup of herbal tea
  6. A good book (optional, sometimes I prefer to just lay back and close my eyes)
  7. A face mask (I'll be posting several home made recipes for a few of my favorites the next few days)
  8. And lastly, some fresh flowers (optional, I usually go out ot my garden and snip a few flowers and put them in a vase but for those who don't have gardens then you'll need to think ahead or have a really sweet husband/boyfriend/girlfriend to buy you flowers)

   Once you have all of your items gathered up then retreat to the bathroom to create your own, private oasis! Turn on your tunes and set the flowers, candles, and/or incense anywhere you can see and smell them best (this will set the mood and target your senses for a better experience). Now you can begin filling your bath tub with hot (but not too hot because you don't want to dry out your skin or burn yourself) water. Go ahead a put in your bubble bath, bath oils, or bath salts now.
     While your bath is filling then grab your towel (and robe). Once back in your relaxing oasis you can apply your face mask, pour your glass of wine/cup of tea and settle into your bath for a nice, long soak. Take this time to escape into the adventures of your favorite book or just lay back and relax (but don't fall asleep!) and focus on your breathing. Let the music fill your ears, the hot water relax your tired muscles, the scent of your candles or incense calm you, and just enjoy your "me time".
    Even if it's only for 30 minutes, do it. Every woman needs some time to herself whether it be to think over the day's events and stresses, or to just pamper herself! I do this at LEAST once a week, when my life becomes complete and utter chaos I have been known to escape for half an hour every night! Just make sure your spouse/mate understands that you need some time to relax and how important alone time is to you so that they can wrangle the kids for a little while. It's not selfish to want to take a few moments for yourself, it makes you a better person and heals you from your daily stresses! In the end it benefits everyone!

    I hope you enjoy! I will be adding recipes to my favorite face masks and bath oils in the next few days so check back for them! As always, if you have any ideas or suggestions please share them, I love hearing your opinions or ideas!