Friday, November 5, 2010

If I had wings....

My daughter walked up to me this morning while I was drinking my morning "soup bowl" of coffee (you know the kind I'm talking about, the Friends style coffee cups filled with wonderful morning-wake-me-up-NOW goodness) on the front porch. We have a routine you see: I wake up and groggily pour myself a cup of coffee just as my little Izzy Bee buzzes into the kitchen almost instantly awake already (a quality of hers that I'm jealous of)! I get morning hugs and kisses and on our way out the door I ask her if she had good dreams to which she usually responds with some wild, eccentric tale that resembles a Disney movie on LSD. I listen to her go on and on about this wild dream where Bell kills Gastan to save Beast even though he's a "scary hairy monster" and the tea pot and the clock and candlestick help "kick him in the butt". I could go on about some of the stories my daughter tells us.

But it was this morning that she told me about her dream of Tinkerbell. In this dream Tinkerbell taught her to fly about a big clock and over lots of water to a really pretty garden in the middle of the sea where they could play dress up and have tea parties forever. I'm by no means doing the story justice, my daughter would be a better bard in this case. She finished her story more quickly than usual, I wasn't even done with my coffee yet, and she asked me a question. "Mommy, what would YOU do if Tinkerbell gave YOU wings?"

The question had the whimsy of a three year old, yet at the same time I had never seen my little one so grown up and mature. I mean, three is a monumental age, of course, but she looked up at me with the wisdom of a six year old at least! I was taken back by her general curiosity. I smiled at her as she sat on the step beneath me and thought on it a bit. Where would I go if Tinkerbell had given me wings. I could say that I'd travel the world some more. I've already seen Greece, Australia and New Zealand, Italy, France, Cancun, and Ireland but there are still many places that I would love to travel, many of which I've already seen. After all, you can't have too much of a good thing (unless chocolate is "the thing", and then that spells disaster on my waistline). I told her this and she looked so sad, I didn't quite understand if I'd misspoke or not. When I asked her what was wrong she answered "So you wouldn't want to play dress up and have tea parties with me forever?"

If a heart could really break mine did right then. I set my coffee down and scooped her up into my lap and hugged on her tight, it was the only thing I could do of course! I kissed her forehead and smiled back down at her and told her that I would take her and her daddy and little brother with me to see all those things. We could play dress up and have tea parties at every stop! This must have been the right thing to say because she looked up at me with her crooked smile full of mischief and said "I wish God had given us wings." And to be honest, I wish He had too!

So, what would YOU do if God had given YOU wings?

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet! BEST STORY! your daughter is a dream!
    And to be honest, playing dress up and having tea parties all day in a beautiful garden sounds like about the best wish I could have! I agree, that's what I would do if I had wings!!
