Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Simply Sweet Love

This evening my husband and our daughter ventured out onto our front porch a little before sunset. The wind was horrific, but it felt good for all of us to cuddle up...or rather for my husband and I to cuddle up and drink our Mint Truffle coffees while Isabella drew chalk masterpieces all over the porch (it's such a shame that they aren't eternal...the first rain will wash them away, but fear ye not, I took pictures! =D). As he was holding me in his warm arms trying to block the wind for me and Isabella I thought back to our first days together right up to that very moment.

Ours was a whirl-wind romance you might say. Some who knew us at the time would gossip how it was a one night stand brought about by intoxication...but we both knew better. We'd been catching one anothers' eye for a little over six months before that chance night. And I have no regrets...sure it could've happened a little more, well, morally, but things happen for a reason. I believe in fate and destiny, maybe that's the dreamer in me but I do. One week later he told me he'd fallen in love with me! I was speechless. I remember very vividly how quiet I had been, I was trying to formulate my thought into words. You see, his is the first relationship that I've been in that hasn't resulted in my being a human punching bag or someone to insult so that the other person feels better about themselves.(And I'm not writing this for a pity party, it's important that young women out there know that you can be in that situation and get out of it and find ultimate happiness. And I did and it is amazing.)

I could make my words pretty for him, I just had to tell him how I felt. So I did. I told him that I couldn't tell him that I loved him back because I was still unsure. My feelings were strong...so much stronger than any I'd ever felt for anyone before. But I would not committ to those words until I knew for sure in my hear that they were true....

So two days later I finally told him I loved him. It was a romantic night. We laid in the back of his truck on a blanket drinking sodas and staring up at the stars. He was the perfect man for me. And we've had our share of struggles...crazy psycho exes trying to split us up...my own nagging issues with trusting the opposite sex...learning who we are as individuals and who we are seperately...and raising our two children! Life is so taxing sometimes, but it's the small moments that count.
Mr. & Mrs. Simpson...and Isabella and a 7 month old Justus hanging out in momma's tum tum.

Sure I could dwell on the blemishes on our time together OR I could enjoy those sweet moments with our children near while I'm safe in his warm arms. In truth I know that he is the one for me because I can't see my future without him in it. It hurts my heart to think of him out of my life, so I just don't think about it. I see us as an old couple, bald and silver haired, sitting on our front porch watching our children's children play and laugh. Still holding hands even when we're 90 years old (and yes we will live that long...I hope, if only to spend more time together!) at the grocery store. We'll be that cute couple that everyone goo-goo's at. No matter how crotchety and grumpy my husband WANTS to be. He's just too sweet, but I'll let him go on thinking that way.
Our rings...ignore my fat fingers...it's part of being prego!

In the mean time, while we wait for our elder years, I'm going to enjoy our time together at all costs. The smile on my face is stuck there and I'm happy for it. Love is such a wonderful thing, it's a miracle straight from Heaven. I thank God everyday for blessing me with my wonderful family. It warms my heart just watching them in their daily activites. I adore them. And someday...many years from now...I will watch my children write their own love stories. I can wait, for sure, but I will be so completely happy for them, just as my own parents were for us. What about you? Do you have a loves story?
Our funny faces before embarking on our honeymoon: Sea World in Texas! I fit right in with Shamoo! But really, it was a lovely honeymoon!

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