Monday, November 8, 2010

Simply Sweet Passions

I am the kind of person who jerks wide awake at the sound of the alarm clock just to turn it off so nobody will wake up. I think my sleepy subconscious is trying to tell me that if no one else hears it then I can pretend like it never happened and stay cuddled up in my super warm, fleece blankets next to THE "Human Torch" (better known as my husband). Sure I could get up and run before the rest of the house wakes up OR I could go back to sleep in my warm, toasty, comfortable bed! And then reality hits me and the neccessity of responsibilty kicks in and there you have it...I'm dwelling on the epic "To be or Not to be"...awake that is.

Amy Brown fairy...p.s. I <3 Books!
And then my day REALLY starts. Feeding the kids and the hubby and then working out and cleaning house. All while managing to keep the kids from killing each other. It's a grueling task but somebody has to do it, and I kinda like wearing the "Supermom Cape". But I try to take a little time out of each day for me...which usually means I've either got my camera in hand or I'm sketching or even baking! Three passions, all of which are their own unique art form! I love taking pictures of my kids. Sadly, my daughter is getting in that phase where she hates having her pictures taken and my son is always on the move now that he's discovered that his legs can walk! But I still manage to get some goodies here and there. I love landscape shots too. I've been playing with different techniques and finishes...I'm having an affair with photoshop, luckily my hubby approves.


My daughter and my little boy...they are cute!
As for sketching, I am in love with fairies and all things magical and whimsical. Amy Brown is my inspiration. That plus ancient mythology (another passion of mine). I could spend all day sketching fairies and gryffins and nymphs. It's always so satisfying to be in the "zone" while working on your craft and then to take a step back and see that it looks so much better than it did in your head. It's a rarity as I'm my own worst critic, but it does happen from time to time.

My son's 1st Birthday cake! By: ME!
I'm also getting into baking. More specifically baking cakes. Like Ace of Cakes on the Food Network (one of the best channels on cable!). For my son's birthday I baked and carved and decorated a Ninja Turtle cake and just a week ago I did the same for my daughter except hers was a ladybug. I'm currently designing a snowman cake for Christmas to share with my family. Afterall, that is the best part of having talent with anything: sharing it with the people you love most! So what are your passions?


  1. I love love love this post! I can relate to it so well! I love baking too! we should swap recipes of goodies sometime!!

    My favorite thing ever is waking up in the mornings and just laying in bed next to my boyfriend. He's always sooooo warm. It's perfect on cold cold morings. He works at Starbucks, so his hours vary- If he wakes up and goes to work early.. then I go ahead and get up and run. But Its so hard to leave him when he goes in later than I do. So I set my alarm clock for about an hour earlier, just so i can stay in that half awake/half asleep totally relaxed state. and then wake up, go for a run, and spend some time just having tea and doing whatever, so I get my me time AND my cuddle time.

    I've gotta have it! it's like a drug!

    phwew. novel of a comment. woops!

    Also- Your background is beautiful!
    keep blogging!!! thank you so much- your last comment, about my inspiration to you was SO SO touching. honestly. I am so honored that I had a part in encouraging you to blog. It makes my heart so happy.

  2. Yes, we definitely should swap some recipes! Cooking is such a stress reliever for me...and fun to boot! I should do that, set my alarm earlier to enjoy the cuddle time! I can't believe I never thought of that. You are right, it is absolutely a drug!

    Thank you and you are very welcome! And I will definitely keep's one of my new passions! =D
